The powerful Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to deliver finely precise images of the systems in the body.
The question – ‘What if I sneeze during an MRI?’ may pop up in your mind!
Sneezing is a normal worry for anyone having an MRI.
Will it interrupt the scan, or is it safe?
Let’s explore the possible consequences of sneezing during an MRI, how it could affect the scan’s outcome, and how to reduce interruptions.
What If I Sneeze During An MRI?
You might be curious and eager to know the answer to ‘What if I sneeze during an MRI?’
Let’s find out!
To guarantee clear results, patients need to stay as motionless as possible!
Any movement can distort or muddy the pictures, making the scan challenging. This is especially true for high-resolution MRIs because even little motions can significantly affect the clarity of the images.
The impulse to sneeze triggers a natural response that causes you to move reflexively, frequently moving your head and torso. There are two reasons why this could be an issue:
- Image Distortion and Blurring
A sneeze can displace the image enough to induce distortion.
Movement during an MRI scan can have the same impact as a shaky camera producing hazy images!
The machine takes pictures slice by slice, and moving around may cause pictures to be fuzzy or a little off-centre.
- Extended Scanning Time
The technician may need to repeat specific steps or begin portions of the scan again if you sneeze and the images become hazy.
This may lengthen your MRI scan, which some patients may find uncomfortable, particularly in a small or noisy machine.
MRI scans are performed in sequences, which are collections of scans with varying orientations planned to obtain certain data.
A sequence may be broken when you sneeze, which may require restarting a portion of the scan.
Additionally, this could cause more unwanted stains or distortions on the scan.
Is It Risky To Sneeze During An MRI?
Sneezing during an MRI can make the procedure more painful and annoying.
But it is not harmful! It does not present any direct health risks.
Sneezing cannot harm you because it does not interfere with the magnetic field.
The sole danger of sneezing during an MRI is that it can necessitate more imaging or a longer stay in the scanner.
People who suffer from claustrophobia or anxiety in small areas may find this concerning because a lengthy scan may make them feel even more uneasy.
How To Get Ready For An MRI Without Sneezing?
Here are some things you can do both before and during the scan to reduce the likelihood that you will sneeze during an MRI:
- Clear Nasal Passages:
Ensure that your nasal passages are clear before entering the MRI room.
If you feel congested, use a saline nasal spray or blow your nose. This may lessen inflammation that could cause sneezing.
- Avoid Allergens
Limit your exposure to allergens before the scan if you are prone to allergies.
For instance, stay away from scented items and perfumes that could make you sneeze.
Plan the MRI for when your symptoms are least likely to flare up if you have seasonal allergies or ask your doctor if you should take a medicine.
- Remain Calm
Stress or anxiety can occasionally cause sneezes. To keep your body quiet, practise relaxation techniques before and during the scan.
Methods like visualisation, mindfulness, and deep breathing can help prevent sneezes and anxiety.
- Interact with the Technician
Inform the technician if you anticipate a sneeze. If you need to reposition yourself after sneezing, they can halt the scan for a little while.
Don’t be afraid to express your requirements! MRI technicians are trained to interact with patients and they know it can be challenging to remain motionless for long periods.
What To Do During An MRI If You Feel the Urge To Sneeze?
If you feel the need to sneeze during the MRI despite taking all the necessary measures, do the following:
- Try to Suppress It
You may be able to stop the sneeze if you can sense it coming.
Sometimes you can prevent a sneeze by taking slow, deep breaths, pinching your nose gently, or pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
But don’t suppress yourself so much that it hurts or makes you uncomfortable!
- Notify the Technician
Speak with the technician by using the intercom that certain MRI machines provide.
Inform the technician that you will sneeze and ask them to halt the scan.
The likelihood of image distortion or blurring may be decreased by pausing the scan.
- Remain Motionless After Sneezing
If you sneeze, attempt to get back into your position as fast and precisely as you can.
Resuming a comfortable, stable posture will enable the scan to go uninterrupted.
What Are The Effects Of Sneezing On Various MRI Types?
Depending on the type of MRI scan, the impact of a sneeze can vary in intensity.
Here’s how:
- Head MRI
MRIs of the head and brain are extremely sensitive to movement. A brain MRI can be significantly distorted by sneezing, particularly in sequences that depend on high-resolution images.
Technicians might have to repeat some parts because this can hide crucial information!
- Spine or Joint MRI
Sneezing-induced small movements are less likely to impact the entire scan for spine or joint MRIs.
Technicians may still repeat portions of the process if needed because quality imaging is crucial for these locations.
- Pelvis or Abdominal MRI
If the region being scanned doesn’t move much, an individual sneeze may not have as much of an impact on the scan!
Some sequences, though, might still require revisions or repetitions.
Since you have found out the answer to ‘What if I sneeze during an MRI?’ you should stop worrying!
It is not fatal to sneeze during an MRI scan. There are techniques to lessen the impact, and even if it could cause a slight disturbance, it’s usually doable.
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