For certain people, coughing during an MRI scan can be concerning. It could seem challenging because of the confined setting and the need to remain still.

So, most people might wonder – ‘Can I cough during an MRI?’
Here’s a closer look at how coughing may affect the MRI procedure, what patients may do if they become irritable, and how medical professionals can assist in handling these circumstances.
Why Does Being Motionless Matter During An MRI?
Being as still as possible is crucial during an MRI because moving may compromise the quality and detail of the photos.
Doctors can correctly interpret the test results if the images are clear. Therefore, movements could result in a misdiagnosis or the need to repeat the treatment.
There are various ways that movement can impact MRIs:
- Image Blurring
Even minor motions, such as coughing, might affect the image. MRIs capture pictures in slices, and movement can cause these slices to become misaligned.
- Time Extension
The MRI technologist may have to repeat the imaging if the patient moves, which would take longer.
- Reduced Image Quality
This may directly affect how well the scan works. A clouded brain MRI, for instance, may overlook important information that could influence diagnosis or treatment strategies.
What Could Cause Someone to Cough?
Coughing during an MRI can be caused by several factors:
- Dry Air
The dry, cold air that frequently circulates through MRI machines can irritate the throat, particularly those prone to dry coughs.
- Anxiety or Nervousness
The procedure can be frightening because MRI machines are small and noisy. A cough may occasionally result from a feeling in the throat brought on by nervousness.
- Current Health Diseases
Even a mild irritant like a cough can be difficult for people with respiratory diseases like colds, allergies, or asthma to suppress.
Can I Cough During An MRI?
A recurrent question that people often ask is – ‘Can I cough during an MRI?’

Coughing during an MRI is feasible, but because of the movement, it is not recommended!
Since coughing is an automatic motion that frequently comes suddenly, it might interfere with the scan, particularly during crucial imaging periods.
Thankfully, most MRI technologists are equipped to deal with these situations! This is how it typically works:
- Communication and Stopping the Scan
You can speak with the technologist using the microphones installed in the MRI machine.
You can tell them if you need to cough so they can halt the scan for a short while so you can cough without affecting the quality of the image.
- Timing and Brief Intermissions
An MRI scan usually lasts a few minutes. There may be brief pauses between these sequences, allowing you to cough if necessary.
The technologist will tell you about these pauses and urge you to take advantage of them if needed.
- Technologists Reassurance
The MRI staff has experience working with patients who have trouble staying still or who might need to cough.
They can comfort and guide you on how to suppress or control the cough for short intervals and reassure you that slight movement can sometimes be managed.
What Are The Methods For Reducing Coughing During An MRI?
You might employ the following techniques to lessen the need to cough during an MRI:
- Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water before the scan. Dehydration might lead to a dry throat leading to coughing.
However, since you won’t be able to use the loo throughout the process, try not to drink too much.
- Practice Breathing Techniques
If you have an anxiety-related cough, deep, calm breathing can help you manage the need to cough.
Breathing techniques help you unwind and lessen sore throats!
- Swallowing or Clearing the Throat
In certain cases, a mild swallow or clearing of the throat can eliminate the need to cough without interfering with the imaging.
For people who feel a slight tickle, this can be extremely beneficial.
- Medication and Cough Drops
Medication can be helpful for people with respiratory disorders or a chronic cough.
Taking over-the-counter cough suppressants or throat lozenges before the scan, if authorised by the medical staff, may be beneficial.
What Should You Do If You Want To Cough?
Inform the technologist if you have a cough or any other illness that can induce involuntary movements before the MRI scan begins. They can take the following actions to ease your discomfort and lessen interruptions:
- Positioning Support
The technologist may be able to offer positioning aids like cushions or blankets to give you support during the scan.
These can enhance comfort and promote muscular relaxation.
- Instructions for Pausing the Scan
They might explain how to indicate when you anticipate a cough.
If you need help immediately or a break, you will usually be handed a button or buzzer to press.
- Using Open MRI Machines
An open MRI machine might be a good choice for people who suffer from extreme anxiety. They are less restrictive and can ease breathing. Therefore, this may lessen the need to cough.
Unfortunately, they are not always accessible!
What Happens When You Cough?
The following may occur if you cough during an MRI scan:
- Image Retakes:
The technologist may need to repeat particular portions of the scan to obtain clear images. Following each session, they will examine the photos to look for any interruptions brought on by the cough.
- Extended Scan Time
The scan may take longer if parts are repeated as needed, although the quality is usually unaffected.
- Additional Instructions
The technologist may modify the instructions or offer you a quick break to let you reset and try again if coughing starts to cause problems.
It is common to ask – ‘Can I cough during an MRI?’
Although it is usually controllable, keep it to a minimum to avoid interfering with the imaging process.
Patients can contribute to a more seamless MRI experience by telling the technician and taking certain precautions.
Open communication, planning, and relaxation techniques are ultimately the best course of action since they reduce the need to cough.
This allows the scan to happen with few interruptions and guarantees high-quality images!
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