Can Overthinking Cause Heartache?

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Can Overthinking Cause Heartache?

Can Overthinking Cause Heartache? – A Must Watch! 

  • The habit of dwelling on your past experiences and blaming yourself for having flaws?
  • Do you get lost in the thoughts of possibilities & pitfalls without having any intention of solving problems or up-taking a course of action?
  • You Always think of worst-case scenarios and repent for the decision you took earlier?
  • Do you constantly connect with fearsome & troubling past with that of your present & foreseeable future?

Beware! This is no self-reflection or problem-solving, but only overthinking!


Just like overthinking leads to headaches, it can also lead to heartache or chest pain, and you cannot get away with it easily!

Exploring the Signs: What shall tell you that your heartache is caused by overthinking?

Instead of questioning yourself about your skills & merits, question whether you feel the signs of heartache, if at all, while or after long episodes of overthinking!

  • Do you witness heart palpitations that somewhat appear like your heart may get ripped out?
  • Sweat a lot while having chest pain?
  • Do you feel a tightness in your chest during this time?
  • Does your heartache seem dull yet persistent?
  • Do you feel dizzy & sense that you might faint amidst the chronic heartache?
  • The problem of having shortness of breath when having heartache?
  • Do you tremble massively when bearing with the chest pain?
  • Does your body temperature change during an episode of chest pain?
  • Is your chest pain accompanied by numbness in the hands & feet?
  • Do you feel like you cannot control yourself, your emotions, your brain to work in the way it is now, your heart, your reflexes, and nothing? Does it make you all the more dreadful during the chest pain?


Let me tell you,

These are all signs that – Your heartache is not caused by any underlying structural or functional abnormality but by your tendency of overthinking! You anyway need to consult your doctor and seek treatment as soon as possible!

How Does Overthinking Cause Heartache?

It stands salient for you to understand that when you overthink extensively, your stress your brain & body! At this time, you are likely to be vulnerable & anxious. Alas! Anxiety is in no way beneficial for your mental or physical health. All it can do is deteriorate your normal living and brings into the picture various health issues!


When you are anxious because of the unnecessary thoughts jamming your mind, your brain tends to surge the rate of adrenaline & cortisol in your body! Adrenaline is the hormone released by your adrenal gland to compose your sympathetic nervous system for triggering a fight-or-flight response. And cortisol is another hormone, a steroid one, acting as a built-in alarm system to regulate vital body functions like metabolism & immunity responses.

Thus, when the cortisol and adrenaline increases in your body, your heart rate & blood pressure are likely to get triggered and rise up the bar, creating a pressurizing impact upon your chest. It is because the oxygen demand increases, but the smaller blood vessels get strained.


The muscles in your chest can turn tight as a result of stress, and you feel a shortness of breath which in turn leads to the transition in the level of carbon dioxide in your blood!

That is when you feel the pain altogether!

Although it is frightening to the core, you must acknowledge that during this phase, your brain & body tries to combat & protect you from a real or maybe perceived stressor!

Is There Any Possibility of Complications?

Even though there are no complications here, in particular, there lay a necessity to feel concerned about chest pain, be it a response to overthinking! Why?

According to the latest studies, nearly 735,000 people have a heart attack every year in America, and heartache stands to be one of the most common symptoms therein! It is because when you are overthinking & highly anxious, the heartache that follows is likely to pressurize your blood vessels, heart chambers, & heart walls. Simultaneously, the fluctuation of your blood pressure can fall heavy on your physical health!

In fact,

Heartaches pressurize your esophagus and may end up causing digestion issues. When that happens, digestive acids may crawl up to your esophagus, causing another round of burning sensation in your chest. Hence, bloating & constipation can follow!

How to Topple Overthinking & Consequent Heartaches?

If you have heartaches due to overthinking & anxiety, you can avail of various treatment methods, from cognitive behavioral therapy to anxiety medications. You can also see a psychologist and get a few counseling sessions.


If you are looking for home remedies that do not give you a burden of expenses, you may try out some of the techniques given below. These techniques can also serve to topple overthinking & its consequent heartaches.

  • Try to engage yourself in regular exercises, yoga, or pilates for at least an hour or so!
  • You should walk up early morning and reserve the first few hours for mediation.
  • You can keep yourself busy with productive work or indulge in your childhood hobbies all over again.
  • Keep yourself updated with news from across the world and try to learn new things.
  • Plan & fix your life goals and try to ace them.
  • Also, You can buy yourself various small tokens or gifts for every little success of yours!

You can go on vacations and socialize with people.

  • You can reduce smoking, alcohol consumption, and caffeinated drinks. Instead, compensate for that with dark chocolates & tasty fruit juices.
  • You can make a personal diary of yourself and write down everything that comes to mind, especially when you lay grieving.
  • Divert your mind from negative thoughts and listen to soothing music.
  • You should take various language courses and read more & more books.
  • Ignore if someone says something negative about you and try to work on your confidence by practicing some mirror plays.
  • Try to make a daily routine for yourself and bring back a definite sleep pattern.
  • Grab a few healthy snacks or drinks when you are low and overthinking.
  • You can spend time with pets and other street-side animals.
  • Practice deep & controlled breathing when caught in stress & anxiety because of overthinking.


Myriad more!

Summing Up:


The bottom line is you cannot sink into the ocean of despair even if it calls you from beyond oblivion like an angel on earth. You have to stay active & keep growing. Remember, overthinking that you mostly participate in, considering it to be self-reflection or problem-solving, is the monster in the veil. You have to understand the fine lines and do whatever possible not to transgress them!

Stay happy, and Stay safe!

If you have a great idea about dealing with overthinking issues, feel free to comment below!

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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