Do all Cancer Patients need a PET Scan?

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Do all Cancer Patients need a PET Scan?

All You Need To Know About PET Scans In Cancer Treatment

As cancer treatment advances each day, a PET Scan is now often used by medical professionals to diagnose and monitor cancers in their early stages. In this article, we’ll discuss how PET Scans work, look at when they can be used, and consider some of the pros and cons for patients considering undergoing this type of scan. Read on to find out all you need to know about PET Scans in cancer treatment.

How Does it Help in Cancer Treatment?

A PET scan is a nuclear medicine imaging procedure that uses a radioactive tracer to show how your tissues and organs are functioning. The tracer used in a PET scan is called fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). FDG is a sugar that is taken up by cells that are using lots of energy. Cancer cells tend to take up more FDG than normal cells because they are growing quickly.

The FDG is injected into your vein, and then you wait about an hour before the PET scan begins. During the scan, you will lie on a table while a camera moves around your body and takes pictures. The pictures show areas where the FDG has been collected in your body.

PET scans can be used to:

-Find cancer
-See if the cancer has spread
-Determine if treatment is working
-Plan radiation therapy

When is a PET Scan Necessary for the Diagnosis or Treatment of Cancer?

A PET scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses a radioactive tracer to detect changes in the metabolic activity of cells. This information can be used to diagnose or treat cancer.

The most common use of PET scans in cancer patients is to determine if a tumor is cancerous or benign. PET scans can also be used to determine the extent of cancer, as well as how well a patient is responding to treatment.

PET scans are not always necessary for diagnosis or treatment, but they can be very helpful in certain cases. Your doctor will usually order a PET scan if other tests (such as x-rays and CT scans) have not been conclusive.

Risks and Side Effects of the Procedure

There are several risks and side effects associated with PET scans in cancer treatment that patients should be aware of. These include:

  •  False-positive results – In some cases, a PET scan may show that cancer is present when it is not. This can lead to unnecessary anxiety and further testing, which may be invasive and/or expensive.
  • False-negative results – In other cases, a PET scan may fail to detect cancer that is actually present. This could delay diagnosis and treatment, allowing cancer to grow and potentially spread.
  • Exposure to radiation – PET scans involve exposure to ionizing radiation, which can increase the risk of developing cancer. This risk is generally thought to be low, but it may be higher for certain groups of people such as children or pregnant women.
  • Discomfort during the scan – Some people may experience discomfort from lying still for an extended period of time during the PET scan. Others may feel claustrophobic due to the close proximity of the scanner equipment.

Preparing for a PET Scan
When you are preparing for a PET scan, it is important to follow the instructions given to you by the doctor or technologist. You will likely be asked to fast for several hours before the scan. This means that you should not eat or drink anything, even water, for at least six hours before your appointment. You may also be asked to drink a special liquid called FDG before your scan. This liquid helps the PET scanner to take clear pictures.

It is important to arrive on time for your PET scan appointment. The scanning process usually takes about an hour, but you will likely be at the imaging center for two to three hours total, as there is additional preparation time involved. During the scan, you will lie on a table and a small camera will move around your body. It is important to stay still during the scanning process so that the images are clear.

After your PET scan, you can return to your normal activities and diet. The FDG that you drank before the test may make you feel thirsty and cause you to urinate more often than usual for a day or two after the test.

Interpreting Results from a PET Scan

The interpretation of PET scan results is both an art and a science. Mastering the interpretation of PET scan results requires both experience and knowledge. The basic concepts are not difficult to understand, but the details can be challenging.

When reviewing PET scan images, the first thing that radiologists look for is areas of increased uptake. These areas represent where there is more glucose metabolism taking place and are usually indicative of cancer. However, it is important to remember that not all cancers will show up on a PET scan. In addition, other conditions such as infection can also lead to increased glucose metabolism and show up on a PET scan. This is why it is important to review the clinical history of the patient when interpreting PET scan results.

Once areas of increased uptake are identified, the next step is to determine if they are real or false positives. This is done by looking at the size, shape, and intensity of the uptakes as well as their location in the body. Additionally, a comparison with previous scans (if available) can be helpful in distinguishing true positives from false positives.

After identifying areas of concern on a PET scan, further evaluation with other imaging modalities such as CT or MRI may be warranted. Additionally, a biopsy or surgery may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis of cancer.

Alternatives to PET Scans

There are a few alternatives to PET scans that your doctor may recommend. These include CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds. Each of these tests has its own benefits and drawbacks, so be sure to discuss all of your options with your doctor before making a decision.

CT Scans: A CT scan uses X-rays to create detailed images of the inside of your body. This type of scan can be used to detect cancer, but it is not as effective as a PET scan. CT scans can also expose you to more radiation than a PET scan.

MRI Scans: An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body. This type of scan is less invasive than a PET scan and does not use radiation. However, MRI scans can be more expensive than PET scans.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound uses sound waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body. This type of scan is non-invasive and does not use radiation. However, ultrasound is not as effective as a PET scan in detecting cancerous tumors.


In conclusion, PET scans are an important tool in helping diagnose and treat cancer. They can provide doctors with detailed information on the size, shape, and activity of a tumor, as well as its response to treatment. As technology advances, PET scans are becoming more sophisticated; providing more accurate results which help physicians better tailor treatments for their patients fighting against cancer. Knowing about PET scans is a great step forward in finding the best care for yourself or your loved ones should you ever have to face this serious illness.

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About author
Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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