How Do I Prepare My Child For A DMSA Scan?

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How Do I Prepare My Child For A DMSA Scan?

How Do I Prepare My Child For A DMSA Scan?Certainly, We understand that bringing your child for a DMSA scan can be scary.

You may have many questions.

And, we are here to answer them. 

In this blog, we have addressed the most common question parents have, which is, ‘How do I prepare my child for a DMSA scan?’

Let’s begin!

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How Do I Prepare My Child For A DMSA Scan?

Understand The Process

First, you must know how to put your child at ease. Usually, a DMSA scan entails:

  • Injection of a Radioactive Tracer: Your kid will get a little intravenous injection of radioactive material (DMSA). The kidneys are where this chemical gathers.
  • Waiting Period: To give the tracer time to build up in the kidneys, there is usually a 2-4 hour waiting period following the injection.
  • Imaging: Your kid will recline on a table while a gamma camera captures kidney images. The camera catches the radiation from the tracer in the body. It does not emit any radiation.

Tell Your Child About The Process.

Talk about the procedure to your kids in plain and easy language. Here are some pointers:

  • Use Common Terms: You might refer to it as “special medicine” that helps in kidney imaging rather than “radioactive material.”
  • Explain the Waiting Time: Inform your child that there will be a waiting period following the injection, but in the meantime, they can spend the time by bringing books or a favourite toy.
  • Concentrate on The Good: Assure your child that the treatment will enable the doctor to understand how their body functions and measures they may take to maintain their health.

Adjust the discussion to your child’s age and understanding level. Younger children may require more reassurance and less explicit information, while older children could welcome knowing exactly what to expect.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Kidney Function

Taking Care of Common Issues

Children may be particularly anxious about medical treatments!

Prepare to respond to these:

  • Fear of Needles: Your child may have anxiety during the tracer injection. Reassure that the discomfort will go away quickly and that the doctor will use a tiny needle. You can divert your kids’ attention by counting, singing, or playing with a toy.
  • Remaining Motionless Throughout the Scan: A few kids struggle to be motionless for long periods. Tell your child the doctor can take clearer photographs if they lie still. To keep them attentive throughout the scan, tell them a story or allow them to practise lying still for a little while at home.
  • Separation Anxiety: Reassure your child that you will be close by if they are experiencing separation anxiety. Generally, during the procedure, a parent is permitted to be in the room with their child.

Rehearse the Procedure

Your child can feel more at ease with the DMSA scan procedure by role-playing or playing “hospital.” Put on a doll or toy animal and act out the following steps:

  • The Injection: Fake administering an injection using a toy syringe.
  • The Waiting Period: Establish a timer and describe your plan to kill time by playing quietly or reading a book.
  • The Scan: As you ‘take images’, have your child practise being motionless while lying down on a couch or bed.

This role-playing can reduce anxiety and help normalise the event.

Prepare for the Day of the Scan

You can take the following useful actions to get ready for the scan day:

  • Clothes: Give your child comfortable, baggy clothing. Steer clear of metal objects as they may interfere with the scan.
  • Refreshments and Entertainment: Bring refreshments (if permitted) and things to keep your kid occupied during the waiting period, like a book, tablet, or beloved toy. Before you go, ask the hospital if there are any food restrictions.
  • Comfort Items: Bring your child’s favourite comfort objects, such as a stuffed animal or blanket. Objects you know well can reduce anxiety!

The Day of the Scan

Remain composed and optimistic!

On the day of the scan, your attitude will have a major impact on how your child feels. Since kids are typically perceptive of their parents’ moods, try to maintain composure and optimism:

  • Remain Positive: Smile and speak in a soothing, soft voice. Remind your child that you are always there for them.
  • Assure Your Child: If your child is anxious, reassure them that you will be there for them and that the nurses and doctors are there to assist.
  • Encourage Your Kid: Congratulate your child on their bravery! Express your pride in them for their cooperation with the medical professionals.

During The Scan

Use soothing methods to help your child relax if you are permitted to be with them throughout the scan:

  • Distraction: While you are waiting, bring a tablet, turn on some calming music, or read them a story.
  • Physical Comfort: Hold their hand or touch their back if suitable. Remind them of the activities or incentives you have planned for them later, and show them lots of love and support!

After The Scan

Following the scan, talk to your child about the experience and give them props for their bravery. 

Give them extra comfort if they are feeling nervous, and allow them to vent their emotions. 

To honour their cooperation, you can also arrange a little treat or reward, such as going for ice cream or viewing a favourite movie.

Follow-ups And Results

Usually, the DMSA scan findings are available a few days later. 

Remember to share the results with your healthcare practitioner after you have followed up. 

Tell your child that after the scan, the doctor can check to see if their kidneys are functioning properly. 

Reassure them that additional therapy is necessary if the doctor says so. It is important to help them get better!

Give Continuous Support

Lastly, acknowledge that children may find medical treatments to be emotionally taxing. 

Consider providing additional emotional support or speaking with a child psychologist if your child appears especially nervous before or after the scan, especially if they have a history of anxiety related to medical procedures.


It is vital to balance your child’s physical, mental, and practical well-being for a DMSA scan

You may lessen your child’s nervousness and facilitate a more seamless process for everyone by breaking down the process into basic terms, answering questions, practising the experience, and keeping a composed and upbeat demeanour.

We hope that we’ve answered your question ‘How do I prepare my child for a DMSA scan?’ 

For an easy and hassle-free experience book your child’s DMSA scan at

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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