How long does it take to get MRI results? 

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How long does it take to get MRI results? 

See: How long does it take to get MRI results? 

An MRI test, which stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a non-invasive & safe procedure involving strong magnets & radio waves in the generation of internal body imaging. The test is conducted on an outpatient basis in a diagnostic center, clinic, or hospital and does not require a  hospital stay or post-diagnosis care!

During this test, you have to lie on a moveable table that sits magnificently in front of the donut-shaped long & semi-enclosed MRI tube inside the test lab! You may ask for a blanket and cover yourself, getting ready for the MRI!

Once you go inside the machine, the magnetic fields created by the MRI scanner will try to trigger your body’s protons to interact with the energy. In the meantime, the radio waves, bouncing off the internal organs & tissues, will send signals to the computer screen, an image popping up! This image shows your internal body structures, differentiating the fat tissues & muscles with color contrast! All abnormalities, defects, disorders, or diseases, if any, shall lay detected herein!

All of it happens within only 15 to 20 minutes on average!


It may also go up to 90 minutes if necessary!


You must be wondering when the image appears within such a less time,

do you get the opportunity to avail of the report immediately or not?

The answer is No. You cannot get your MRI result immediately after the test ends. 

It is not because of any test inefficiency but because –

  • The radiologist may require time to place the sequences of MRI accurately before they are sent to the doctor for acknowledgment.
  • Your radiologist may have another MRI test scheduled in a few minutes, and there might be a queue for an MRI in the definite hospital or clinic, which they need to resolve primarily.
  • The healthcare centers may have other staff or technicians who make the Scan reports, including your contact details & other information therein.

There may be various other reasons for the radiology center to be unable to provide you with immediate MRI results!

When can you expect your MRI result after the scan is done?

Usually, you may receive your MRI scan results in two to three weeks, depending on the healthcare center you are availing of!  Sometimes, you may also get it as early as the next day! However, those are mostly online reports sent to you via email or WhatsApp!

In most cases, where your doctor refers you to the definite diagnostic center or clinic, the MRI reports are directly sent to them!


The doctor is the one to discuss the scan details with you at your next appointment!

If there is an urgency, where your doctor seeks to assess your internal organs in a day or two, the MRI results are sent accordingly to your doctor! You have to contact him or her straightaway. The doctor will read the report for you.

Otherwise, you can also collect your MRI report from the diagnostic center in case of an urgency!

For a self-referred MRI scan, the time limit lay fixed at two to three weeks from the day of the test, as normal & it would entirely depend on the healthcare providers!


How fast do you think you can get your MRI results? 2 weeks or 2 days? If the latter is your choice, book your MRI test from any of the specialized diagnostic centers in Chandigarh from our website,

How fast can you get your MRI report? – 3 Crucial Markers!

Whether it is an emergency call!

Yes. If the MRI is prescribed on an urgent basis to acquire the confirmation of some fatal disease or disorder underlying your body, you can get your MRI results faster, no doubt! Emergency medical care comes primarily to all healthcare providers, and such a marker stands crucial in determining how long it may take for you to get your MRI result.

Why are you having the MRI?

The primary purpose of your MRI scan stands crucial in determining how fast you can get your MRI reports. In case your doctor predicts a bone fracture & recommends you undertake an MRI test, the results will not take much time to be prepared. On the other note, if your doctor recommends an MRI for a review of your cancer treatment & staging, it may require a longer time to get the MRI results.

Who would read the MRI results?

How fast you may get your MRI results depends on who is responsible to read the MRI results. Sometimes, your doctor may translate the MRI image findings, and some of times, the radiologist with a team of specialists shall interpret the MRI findings in words and send the report to the doctor who ordered it! For the former, the time taken is typically less. But for the latter, do not expect your result too soon.

What was holding up?


It is mainly the interpretation of the MRI findings that hold up the entire process of giving out the test results!

After you pursue an MRI scan, the radiology technician from the healthcare team transmits the images and informs the radiologist about them. The images are kept secured and available for viewing & translating.

Many healthcare providers do not have an in-house radiologist all that time; rather, they work on contract. In those cases, necessary arrangements shall be made to notify the radiologist about the MRI scan.

The radiologist, with a few more specialists on the team, writes the report on your MRI findings. If any life-threatening finding comes up, they shall inform your doctor immediately!

Bottom Line:

Your MRI scan results shall take moderate time to reach you, of course, depending on what findings they have!

Have you already undergone an MRI? Comment below & tell us how long did it take for you to get your MRI test results. We shall be waiting to hear from you!

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About author
Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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