How to Avoid Panic in MRI?

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How to Avoid Panic in MRI?

The thought of pursuing an MRI scan seems overwhelming most of the time.

The uncertainty about the procedure is the first root to stem such a panic and then, the idea of staying in a semi-enclosed tube-shaped machine for hours is what surges it. 

However, you can always cope with your anxious thoughts and embrace significant strategies to avoid panic before and during an MRI scan. Here they go!  

How to Avoid Panic in MRI?

Understanding Why An MRI Scan Can Cause Panic

The first hack to avoid panic before and during an MRI is to learn and understand the nitty-gritty of the scan process and what are the factors to cause panic.

Claustrophobia is one of the biggest factors to cause panic during an MRI as you would have very little space inside the machine when lying down still.

Second is the loud creaking noise coming from it. Third is the idea of lying still in one position for a long, and lastly the fear of the unknown – the possibilities of the scan results!

You need to acknowledge them and prepare yourself mentally. This would give you a sense of calmness when pursuing the MRI scan, reducing the risk of panic attacks. 

Detailed & Constant Communication with The MRI Technologist 

The next effective strategy to avoid panic during an MRI is to talk to the MRI technologist through and through before and during the scan.

How to Avoid Panic in MRI?

Ask all questions you have about the MRI scan and stay connected through the intercom system attached to the table or bed you lie down at.

If you ever feel anxious during the scan or need some assistance, speak that up to the MRI technologist who will be hearing you from the room attached. Communication is a salient key to wiping out the fear of isolation in an unknown situation and can help reduce the risk of panic episodes. 

Practising Relaxation Techniques Before & During The Scan

An MRI scan endorses various relaxation techniques to keep you at ease during the scan process. These are proven to help patients with anxiety and claustrophobia to pursue an MRI scan smoothly. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation exercises (starting from your toes), and visualization of some peaceful scenarios are a few efficient relaxation techniques that you can adopt and practice before and during the MRI scan. These techniques keep your mind diverted to positive emotions and make you feel safe and comfortable, thereby enabling you to avoid situations of panic.  

Carrying Your Comforting Items to the Scan Center

Another effective hack to avoid panic during an MRI is to bring your comfort items like eye masks, earplugs, your comfort pillow, blankets and so forth along with you to the scan center.

Eye masks can block out visual stimuli and reduce the panic typically arising from the vision of the confined space therein. Likewise, blankets and pillows make you feel like you are at home, in your bed. In fact, some MRI centers themselves offer comfort items, including headphones to listen to your favourite music during the scan, helping reduce the loud noise from reaching your ears.  

Request Sedatives or Anti-Anxiety Medications (If Needed)

If you have an acute anxiety disorder or claustrophobia tendencies and you know you won’t be able to avoid panic episodes during the MRI scan, discuss with your doctor and get some mild sedatives or anti-anxiety medications prescribed for the scan session. Sedatives will help you dose off during the scan and the anti-anxiety medications will keep you calm and composed. Indeed, it’s another useful strategy to avoid panic in an MRI session, no matter how long that lasts.

Make sure you consult with your doctor about the type of medication and the dose to ensure greater health safety.  

Bring Someone Along (Friends/Family/Acquaintance) for Support

Someone by your side during a critical moment can always make you feel comfortable, and it’s the same hack that can help you avoid your panic episodes during an MRI scan.

So, bring someone with you to the scan center; someone whom you trust and can rely upon for your safety and emotional comfort.

It can be your friend, family member, or an acquaintance who would wait outside, giving you reassurance that if something happens, they will be there for you.

Their presence can help you combat loneliness during the scan. Besides, if the person is already accustomed to an MRI procedure, that would be the most ideal scenario for you.  

Look for an Open MRI Scan in Your City  

In case you have an opportunity to avoid a semi-enclosed MRI scan as a whole, subsequently avoiding the occasional panic accompanying it, there’s no better than that!

Modern medical infrastructure of today has brought before you the most viable alternative to a traditional MRI scan; it’s an Open MRI, where the machine holds two flat magnets with a large space in between, allowing more air visibility and flexible positioning.

This type of MRI scan, although takes longer than a traditional MRI, is designed to help patients avoid situations of panic and also for those who cannot fit into a traditional MRI machine due to body size or physical limitations. Look for such an MRI scan in your city.    

Summing Up:  

Now, to sum up, it’s essential for you to note that the best way to avoid panic during an MRI is to focus on the end goal, which is to get accurate imaging of your internal body tissues, locate the anomaly, if any, and begin the treatment at its early stage to nip it in the bud.

You must keep reminding yourself that the discomfort of the scan is temporary, but your improved health is the end goal and you need to achieve it by any means. Such positive thinking can not only make the scan session smooth but also enable your medical caregivers to provide the best possible care.  

If you need to pursue an MRI scan in Chandigarh, traditional or Open MRI, and you want the scan session to be hassle-free and free from the risk of panic, do indulge in selecting either of the top NABL-accredited labs in the city from one of the most prominent platforms,

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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