MRI Scans for Hand in Chandigarh

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MRI Scans for Hand in Chandigarh

A hand MRI (MRI) utilizes the electromagnetic field to create extremities pictures. These pictures illustrate the healthiness of the delicate tissues and the bones. This analysis helps to detect damage to ligaments, tendons, and excess fluid or edema. Moreover, cartilage, as well as acute carpal tube injury, would be observed. Better scanning of the joint cartilage and tiny underlying tissue structures will help to boost clinical results.

How to do Hand MRI

Throughout the examination, you will be put into the center of a huge pipe-like scanner and apertures on both sides. The problematic finger or hand is then put into an MRI spindle. An MRI coil is cushioned equipment that enables the MR scanner to capture high-quality pictures of a particular body component and is important in image generation.

When physically feasible, you are requested to lay face downwards with the hands or fingers in front of you.

You will receive a rubber ball, which will be your means to contact the MRI specialist throughout your MRI.  Whenever you have some queries, you can press the ball, and the MRI specialist will tackle any problems that you may experience throughout the scan.

The technician will put an IV upon a vein into your hand if the physician commands IV contrast. This contrast is injected via the IV. Individuals may experience a chilly feeling up the arm.

The equipment produces a considerable amount of sound (hearing covering will be provided), and as the research completes, the table moved into and out of the scanner. The trial is not lengthy as well as painful.

Why someone needs a wrist MRI?

Anybody can experience Wrist injuries. Perhaps you CrossFit 5 times per week, or rarely workout does not matter. These may lead to wrist problems via abrupt impact, repeated tension, and arthritis.

In case of mild accidents like fractures, self-care, relaxation, and the use of ice are usually suggested. But when this is a major wound, how do you know? If these symptoms linger for many days, it is recommended that you seek medical treatment.

Your physician can first perform a physical examination, examine your bracelet for pain/inflammation, rotate the wrist to verify the range, and evaluate the power of your hand and hold. They will suggest an MRI when necessary to get a better precise diagnosis. Some cases when you might require MRI are listed below:

  1. This is a reason for worry if you experience significant discomfort and are having trouble bending your wrist. Likewise, despite the initial line of therapy, your doctor might consider requesting an MRI scanning if you suffer pain or discomfort, which will not go completely in several weeks.
  2. Edema or swelling may show severe damage, and it must not be overlooked. If the wrist swells longer than a few days, go directly to the physician’s clinic. The source of damage, for example, or the MRI in such a situation might highlight ligament/tendons/cartilage injury.
  3. Additional signs that shouldn’t be overlooked are stiffness, tingling, and loss of sensation inside your wrist when they continue and get your wrist evaluated by a physician.
  4. In addition to determining exactly the core issue, any deformities or abnormalities, including a bent handle or joint abnormalities, may require the MRI or some other scan.


The normal MRI scan price in India is typically between 1500 and 25000 Rs.   However, costs in various cities will vary with hospitals.

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About author
Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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