What Is The Age Limit For An MRI?

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What Is The Age Limit For An MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a common diagnostic technique doctors use to evaluate and identify a range of illnesses. 

If you are going to get an MRI, a question that may pop up is – ‘What is the age limit for an MRI?‘

It is used by almost every age group, from newborns to the elderly. 

Although there isn’t a set age limit for MRIs, a number of parameters dependent on the patient’s age and health status need to be taken into account to guarantee safety and produce reliable results.

Let’s delve right in!

What Is The Age Limit For An MRI?

You may wonder – ‘What is the age limit for an MRI?’  

Patients of any age can get MRIs safely if they don’t have any contraindications, such as pacemakers, certain metal implants, or other devices that interfere with MRI. 

However, because of their distinct physiological traits and capacity for immobility during the scan, elderly patients, babies, and young children frequently require specific considerations:

  1. Newborns and Infants

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a common noninvasive imaging method for babies and neonates, particularly when more precise pictures of the brain or other internal organs are required. 

Paediatricians may suggest MRI for newborns to evaluate congenital defects, neurological disorders, or developmental abnormalities.

However, there are particular difficulties when doing an MRI on a newborn or infant:

  • Motion Sensitivity: Babies cannot comprehend or comply with commands to stay motionless. Sadly, an MRI scan can be distorted by any movement. Therefore, medication may be necessary to keep the baby motionless and comfortable.
  • Noise Sensitivity: Babies may find the loud noises made by MRI machines upsetting. Hospitals offer ear protection, such as specialised earmuffs or earplugs for the baby’s hearing.
  • Risks of Sedation and Anaesthesia: Doctors may use sedation or anaesthesia to keep babies still throughout the scan, which has several drawbacks. Paediatric anaesthetists can lower these risks with careful monitoring and dosage, but potential adverse effects must be considered.
  • Impact on Development: Since MRI technology doesn’t use radiation, it is safe for young children and poses no long-term developmental hazards. Research indicates that MRI does not affect a child’s development or growth.
  1. Youngsters and Teens

Children’s and teenagers’ MRIs are usually safe and are commonly used to diagnose a variety of illnesses, such as neurological diseases, tumours, and traumas. Since older kids can comprehend and obey directions to stay motionless during the scan, sedation may not be required.

Nonetheless, children and teenagers are subject to certain special considerations:

  • Anxiety and Claustrophobia: The small, enclosed area of an MRI scanner might be frightening to kids. Child-friendly strategies are used to lessen anxiety. These include letting parents remain in the room, offering music-playing headphones, or utilising virtual reality goggles that enable a calmer atmosphere.
  • MRI Protocols for Children: Many hospitals offer special procedures to reduce the time youngsters must stay still during scans.
  • Contrast Agents: The radiologist may use contrast agents to enhance image quality for specific MRI types. It is usually safe. However, children may experience modest side effects or allergic reactions from these agents. For young children in particular, careful supervision is crucial.
  1. Adults

Adults getting MRIs are typically subject to fewer restrictions, provided they do not have contraindications, such as metal implants or specific medical devices. Nonetheless, certain age-related characteristics might still be relevant:

  • Pregnant Women: Unless required by a doctor, pregnant women are generally recommended to avoid MRIs during the first trimester. Although ionising radiation is not used in MRI, how magnetic fields affect the growing foetus is unclear. With caution and following certain procedures to reduce foetal exposure, the doctor may not recommend an MRI after the first trimester unless necessary.
  • Mobility and Medical Conditions: Senior people may have health issues that make it difficult to lie still for long periods. The MRI experience may be uncomfortable if you have arthritis, joint discomfort, or restricted movement. To lessen discomfort during the scan, technicians might provide cushions and supports.
  • Cognitive Challenges: Older adults with cognitive impairments, including Alzheimer’s disease, may find it difficult to stay motionless or follow directions. In these situations, a small amount of sedation could be necessary to finish the scan.
  • Fall Risk Post-Sedation: After receiving sedation, elderly people may be more susceptible to falls. Following the scan, medical staff monitor these patients to ensure they are stable and prepared to depart safely.
  • Metal Implants: From prior procedures, many elderly people have metal screws, joint replacements, or pacemakers. Although these implants can be accommodated by more recent MRI equipment, the doctor must verify the compatibility to prevent any issues.

What Are The MRI Contraindications and Safety Measures for All Ages?

Although MRI is generally seen as safe for people of all ages, there are a few contraindications to be aware of, regardless of age:

  • Metal Implants and Devices: MRI scans may not be possible for patients with certain metal implants, such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, or specific kinds of aneurysm clips. The metal may disrupt the magnetic field which could injure you.
  • Allergic Reactions to Contrast Agents: Some patients may experience allergic reactions to these. Before giving these medications, medical teams frequently check patients for allergies, particularly in young and elderly patients.
  • Pregnancy: Although MRI can be used later in pregnancy if necessary, it is usually avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy due to unknown dangers to the developing foetus.

What Are The Particular MRI Tools and Methods for Various Age Groups?

Hospitals and imaging centres use specialised MRI equipment and age-appropriate protocols:

  • Paediatric MRI Machines: These machines have features like quieter operation and shorter scan times to help reduce children’s fear. These devices could also include open patterns or pictures on the walls for kids.
  • Functional MRI: Both young and old patients may benefit from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It is useful for examining brain activity linked to neurological or cognitive issues. The method is perfect for both younger and older folks. It is non-invasive and doesn’t require contrast chemicals.


Let’s summarize your query ‘What is the age limit for an MRI?’ 

Although there isn’t a set age limit for MRIs, different age groups are taken into account to guarantee patient safety and high-quality imaging results. 

While senior patients require accommodations owing to age-related health difficulties, infants and young children may need anaesthesia. 

If you follow the safety measures, MRI is always a safe and useful diagnostic method for patients of any age. 

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at MRIChandigarh.com. Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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3 months ago

Nice article for MRI scan.

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