Why Is MRI Scans Too Expensive In India?

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Why Is MRI Scans Too Expensive In India?

Unveiling the answer to: Why is an MRI scan too expensive in India? 


MRI machines are not that expensive in reality! Then, why is an MRI scan so expensive in India – You must be wondering.

For an MRI scan,

There lay only one machine involved;


The step-up cost is perhaps sky-crapping, and so is the maintenance cost! They are what make an MRI scan too expensive!

No matter whether it is just your fear of arthritis setting in or a serious back problem that doesn’t let you sleep at night for a long; whether your son suffers from a deadly bone problem that other diagnostic tests failed to locate or your mother panicking over a fever that she has a genetic disorder, the cost of an MRI is always high!

So high that many of us, common people, cannot even afford to have it!

Long Queues at Government Hospitals & Long list of inclusion in the MRI cost in the Private Ones!

Although developing fast, India is known for its increasing list of health problems due to the rapid increase in air pollution, drastic climatic changes, global warming & chemical pollutants floating in the air! That is how all kinds of latest physical scanning techniques become important for early disease detection & cure.


With the increase in demand, the government hospitals which are likely to offer subsidies to the citizens are failing to meet everyone’s needs! Limited state-of-the-art equipment is available in government hospitals in comparison to the number of patients they attend daily, making it impossible for them to offer MRI scans to all!


There lay a long waiting list for uptaking an MRI from government hospitals at a lower cost. In the meantime, the risk of deteriorating health conditions leads people to uptake MRI scans from other healthcare providers!


In order to acquire an early diagnosis, you may fall for the high cost charged in private hospitals, clinics, & radiology centers. Such a cost includes the comfort & special care given during the test, from the gown to wear for an MRI to the air-conditioned waiting room & test lab, the cozy bed lying at the MRI scan lab, and so forth!

The expert radiologist’s payment to that of the staff, the cost shall include this as well! The latest machines used in MRI scan needs to be cleaned & maintained on a regular basis; that cost is included!

So is the cost of lifts & elevators, wheelchairs & other services directed to ease out the movements!

Payment Methods in 2022, a differentiator in the cost of MRI –

Today, in the world of digitalization, options of digital payment systems have led the world to turn to this easy, cashless way! Such a thing is prevalent across all industries, and certainly that of the healthcare sector. The private clinics & diagnostic centers may encourage the online payment system by giving offers to book from their site directly!

In fact, the existence of multiple online insurers, where heavy discounts are given for using their website to book the test and pay later online! In order to ease out the competition and set an edge, each of the healthcare providers shall increase their customers in some or the other way! At that time, they might give discounts for a cash payment after an MRI!


A higher cost of an MRI scan is more often observed in cash billing & payment! The one you make immediately from out of your pocket! It is because, during this circumstance, you do not have any option to search and check for a better discount offering website or payment method! No UPI, No Cards, and No app to help you through!

Unawareness about the Real Cost of MRI scan –

Do you know one of the most common problems that people face these days is having transparency about the real cost? Yes. That’s right!

 Sometimes, you may not be aware of the present cost applicable to an MRI scan, and neither do the hospital representatives give an indication; while you subsequently come to know that the cost is likely to go out of the budget!

There is indeed a growing trend among healthcare providers in India today to keep the cost of an MRI scan or some other scan secret at the initial call. They fear that the quoted price may end up dissociating their customers. Alas! Keeping human knowledge stagnant & supporting unawareness about the real cost of MRI!

However, it is always your responsibility to know the cost of an MRI scan before availing of it. You can surf the net or ask your doctor about a destination where you can get an MRI within the budget of your pocket!

Reveal the Real Cost –

An MRI is even costlier than a CT scan! In India, in a government hospital, an MRI scan costs nearly Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000, while in a private hospital, the cost may go up to Rs. 25000!

In a diagnostic center or clinic, an MRI Scan may cost up to Rs. 6000, depending upon various factors. The cost of an MRI also varies from one state to another, one city to another, depending on the amount of accessibility and demands in that specific region.

Hence, you should always confirm the cost before pursuing an MRI scan in India!

Sum Up:

By now, you know where the extra cost is taken for an MRI in India, infrastructure storage & overloading demands are thy primary catalysts, and only an informed decision before pursuing the test can help cut the expense!

If you want to avail of an MRI scan at a 40 percent discount, you can avail of our online marketplace to book your MRI scan. We, HealthFinder, can help you connect with the best diagnostic centers or clinics in Chandigarh for your test. All you have to do is select the test and schedule the date & time at www.mrichandigarh.com, get quotes for the day & for various centers, lay one by one, and book! You do not need to pay at that very moment. You can have the test, come back from the center, receive the report online, and pay online with your UPI,

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About author
Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at MRIChandigarh.com. Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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