Why is the MRI Machine So Loud?

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Why is the MRI Machine So Loud?

If you ask people who pursued an MRI to talk about their experience of the scan, they would certainly talk about the loud noise that occurs! Experiencing such a noise when the scan goes on for a long time, is ought to seem intimidating.

Why is the MRI Machine So Loud?

Yet again, an MRI is the most valuable diagnostic tool for medical caregivers across the globe. Its imaging accuracy is more than any diagnostic tool, be it a CT or PET scan

Thus, understanding the exact cause of this loud sound, the science behind it, resorting to patient comfort and safety, and looking for quieter versions of the scan can help you have a better MRI experience!  

Why is the MRI Machine So Loud? 

Well, it’s quite surprising to acknowledge; but the loud noise that occurs during the scan is actually a product of the very process that makes the scanning and imaging possible. Here’s how the scan process works! 

Magnetic Gradients in Action 

To derive an image of your internal body tissues, the MRi machine leverages the combination of a powerful, steady magnetic field and rapidly changing magnetic fields. The latter is what we call gradients, which play a crucial role in generating varying magnetic fields required to locate and map the specific parts of your body in detail in the cross-sectional images.

Switching Mechanism    

The magnetic gradients get rapidly switched on and off, nearly thousands of times per second, called the switching mechanism, and this mechanism is the root of the intense electrical currents within the coils of the MRI machine. 

Lorence Force and Vibrations

The electrical currents interact with the main magnetic field causing a physical force. The physical force is known as the Lorence Force, which, in turn, triggers vibrations on the gradient coils. That is what causes the loud noise during the MRI scan!  

Yes. The MRI machine operates at high power and the combination of this rapid switching and high currents makes the vibration sound more apparent to the ear. As the core components of an MRI are required to remain in close proximity to the patient to fetch accurate imaging, no traditional soundproofing methods can be employed to the machine without intervening the precision of the imaging.  

The Science of Sound in MRI

Did you know some MRI machines create a tapping sound, some create a clanging one, and some sound knocking? That’s right, and this difference in the noise is the result of the difference in the sequencing. Wondering what’s that? 

An MRI sequence is typically, the number of gradients and radiofrequency pulses into play to create a set of images in a particular appearance. MRI sequences are varied in type, and the most common ones are T1-weighed, T2-weighed, Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery, and Proton Density Weighed Image. 

This sequencing method varies depending on the type of scan, whether for the knees, for the brain, for the abdominal tissues, and so forth. Thereby, causing a variation in the frequency and intensity of the sound! Some MRI machines reach up to 110 decibels noise level – That’s as loud as any rock music concert.         

Patient Comfort & Safety 

As you know now, the loud noise coming from the MRI machine is inevitable and you can’t really escape from it, it’s also essential to know what kind of patient safety and comfort the MRI centres offer to make the scan experience smooth and easy. 

Noise Cancellation Tools & Techniques  

First and foremost, MRI centres often offer earplugs and noise-cancellation headphones to help combat the noise from making you feel uneasy and disgusted. Some centres even offer headphone facilities where you can play your favourite music and stay calm during the entire scan process with the loud sound coming from the machine; a more comfortable option, to be precise! 

Constant Communication Facility 

Besides, MRI centres have an intercom facility to help you communicate with the MRI technician during the time of the scan. This allows you to ask questions and raise concerns, if uncomfortable, subsequently eliminating your fear and apprehension. 

Having said that, you too must try to make yourself comfortable during the MRI scan by proper preparation. Practice breathing exercises and visualization techniques, where you picturize some peaceful place, situation, or moment in life. This can keep your mind calm, positive, and determined to diagnose what’s bothering you from inside the body. 

Please Note: If you have acute anxiety or claustrophobia and you know the noise would only make things worse, feel free to consult your doctor beforehand and get mild sedatives or anti-anxiety medications prescribed for the scan.   

The Quieter Version: Open MRI 

With advancements in the field of medical technology, the design constraints (like there are in the traditional MRI machine) have been wiped out of the picture. There are Open MRI machines existing in the market now, acting as an alternative to traditional MRIs! 

Open MRI machines are the ones that bring the biggest advantage — ample space to breathe air as compared to that semi-enclosed tube!

But, that’s not all! Open MRIs create less noise than a traditional MRI machine. Open MRIs use low-strength magnets with lesser frequency and intensity of gradient switching, thereby creating lesser noise.

In fact, the open space enables the sound to dissipate better, causing a lesser effect on your auditory system. 

Disclaimer! Several researches affirm that the imaging accuracy of a traditional MRI is better than an Open MRI. That’s due to the stronger magnetic fields and it’s closeness to the body. So, consult your doctor to understand what would be better for you, because certain body tissues require greater detailing for accurate diagnosis. The faster the diagnosis, the faster the initiation of treatment, and therefore, recovery!         

Bottom Line: 

To sum up, the loud noise coming from the MRI machine is an indicator of its proper functioning, and you can expect the result accurate. Try to stay calm, still, and positive during the scan.

Follow the instructions of the medical caregivers at the MRI centre and all that’s recommended by your doctor. 
If you are looking for a hassle-free MRI scan in Chandigarh, hit www.mrichandigarh.com.

This platform can provide you with easy scan bookings for some of the best NABL-certified MRI labs in the city.    

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at MRIChandigarh.com. Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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