How to Calm Yourself During an MRI?

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How to Calm Yourself During an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a popular noninvasive diagnostic procedure for examining the body’s internal tissues. 

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Do you wonder how to calm yourself during an MRI?

For some, feeling inside an MRI machine can be difficult, even though the test is painless! 

The scan’s lengthy duration, loud noises, and cramped quarters might cause restlessness, claustrophobia, and anxiety! 

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However, by mentally and physically preparing before the scan and using specific relaxation techniques throughout the procedure, you may control these emotions and maintain your composure during an MRI.


Let’s delve right in!

How to Calm Yourself During an MRI?

Without further ado, let’s get into the discussion of how to calm yourself during an MRI!

Here are a few tips:

Getting Ready for the Scan

Anxiety before your MRI scan can be largely decreased with preparation. You may get ready both physically and mentally by doing the following:

Consult your physician or technician.

Discuss your worries with your healthcare professional if you’re experiencing anxiety related to the MRI. 

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They can address any particular concerns and sometimes suggest solutions like medicine to reduce your nervousness.

Enquire about open or wide-bore MRI machines.

If you have claustrophobia, you can enquire about the availability of an open or wide-bore MRI. 

Not all facilities offer them. However, these can be more comfortable and less limiting. You might also enquire about more recent technology that provides faster scan times.

Dress comfortably

You will usually need to change into a hospital gown. If you do not have to change, choose loose, comfortable clothing free of metal buttons or zippers.

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Bring a friend or loved one.

In many MRI centres, you can bring a friend or family member inside the room. But, ensure that they are free of any metal implants or gadgets. 

You can reduce anxiety by having a familiar person close.


To help you relax during the scan, your doctor might recommend a light sedative if you have severe anxiety. 

How to Calm Yourself During an MRI?

Do not worry, it is safe!

Techniques for Breathing and Mindfulness

During an MRI, mindfulness and breathing are two of the best strategies to help you relax! 

These methods help in concentration and lessen panic attacks. You can try the following strategies:

Deep breathing

Pay attention to taking deep, leisurely breaths. 

Take a four-count breath with your nose, hold it for four seconds, and then release it through your mouth for four seconds. 

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Thus, box breathing triggers your body’s relaxation reaction!

Relaxing muscles

Relax various muscles in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. 

You can divert your attention from your surroundings by concentrating on muscle tension and relaxation.


Picture a serene setting, such as a beach, a forest, or a comfortable room. 

Concentrate on the scene’s specifics, including its hues, sounds, and scents. 

Relax and divert your focus from the MRI scanner by using this method.

Counting or repeating a mantra

Simple mental exercises like counting or silently repeating a calming word or phrase such as “relax” or “peace” might help keep your mind busy and divert it from worrying thoughts!

Methods for Distraction

Distraction strategies can be quite successful in lowering MRI anxiety!

Numerous facilities provide resources to assist you in diverting your attention from the scan:

Music or guided meditation

A few MRI facilities provide headphones that play music or recordings for guided meditation. 

Select soothing music or sounds that promote relaxation. 

Also, you can use an app that offers guided meditation to listen to during the scan.

Pay attention to the machine’s rhythm.

The MRI machine makes a loud, rhythmic noise that you can benefit from! 

Some people discover that counting or synchronising their breathing with the machine’s beat helps divert their attention from worrying thoughts.

Visualisation exercises or mental puzzles

You can keep your mind busy by mentally solving puzzles such as naming objects in a category (e.g., cities, animals, or favourite foods) or thinking of words that begin with a particular letter.

Looking for Medical Assistance

Do not be afraid to seek expert assistance if your MRI anxiety is too much! 

There are several ways to deal with extreme anxiety associated with MRIs:


You can maintain your composure during the scan by taking a moderate sedative or anti-anxiety medicine. 

For your doctor to prescribe the right medicine, ensure that you talk about this well before the scan.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) 

This can be helpful if your fear of MRI machines stems from a deeper form of anxiety or claustrophobia. 

The goal of CBT is to change unhealthy beliefs and actions. It works especially well for phobias and anxiety disorders.

On-call medical staff: 

Many facilities have qualified staff members who specialise in assisting patients who are experiencing anxiety. 

To ensure you are okay throughout the scan, they can offer you comfort, direction, and, in certain situations, even communication.

Relaxation After Scanning

After your MRI is over, take some time to rest and decompress. 

Even if you have maintained your composure the entire time, the experience can be mentally taxing!

Take into account these post-scan relaxing suggestions:

Take part in a soothing activity.

After the scan, reward yourself with something fun and calming. This could be spending time in nature, meditating, reading a book, or having a warm bath.

Discuss your experience

Speaking with a friend or relative about your MRI experience can be beneficial if you find it stressful. 

Expressing your emotions might help you process any residual anxiety and bring peace.

Reward yourself

Give yourself credit for maintaining your composure throughout the scan, particularly if you were initially anxious. 

As a reward for overcoming your fear, give yourself something enjoyable, such as your favourite meal or a treat.


It is crucial to know how to calm yourself during an MRI if you have claustrophobia and anxiety.

Anxiety can be decreased by being aware of the procedure, planning beforehand, and employing breathing exercises, mindfulness, and distraction strategies. 

If necessary, consider medical solutions like therapy or sedatives to deal with claustrophobia. 

You can have a more comfortable MRI experience if you approach it calmly and confidently!

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Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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