You might feel anxious about getting an MRI, wondering how uncomfortable it might be!
The uncertainty about the scan procedure may often make you skeptical about getting it done and the more you know about the process, the loud creaking noise the machine makes, the enclosed space, the longer hours, and so forth, the more paranoid you get!

But, is an MRI scan truly uncomfortable? Or, is it manageable if you have the right expectations from the scan and prepare for it beforehand?
Let’s explore together, in this blog!
Is An MRI Scan Uncomfortable?
First and foremost, the idea of “comfort” varies from one individual to another, and therefore, whether or not an MRI scan feels uncomfortable for you would depend on your individual experience.
In terms of physical discomfort or pain, an MRI scan stands out to be safe and reliable.

Neither is there any sort of physical invasion that tends to cause pain nor is the machine in any way accident-prone. So, there’s no pain in pursuing an MRI at all!
The only thing that may make you feel uncomfortable is the scanning environment, especially if you have acute anxiety or claustrophobic tendencies.
Major Factors That Make An MRI Scan Uncomfortable
Certain factors can make you feel uncomfortable during an MRI scan and here they go!
- Noise Coming from MRI Machine
The loud, repetitive clanging or thumping noise that the MRI machine makes while scanning your body is undeniably one of the major factors to make you feel uncomfortable if you don’t come prepared for it. Although the sound is normal, it makes relaxing difficult.
- The Enclosed Space Within the Machine
The tunnel-like MRI machine is a bit confining and the small space can be another factor of discomfort during your scan. This is especially because you will be positioned to slide through the narrow MRI tube and stay inside it for quite some time, which may seem suffocating for you.
- Body Position and Posture
MRI scan requires you to lie down on a plain surface and stay still throughout in order to derive precise images of your internal body. Such a position and posture may cause body stiffness and restlessness, subsequently leading to discomfort.
- Duration of the Procedure
Furthermore, an MRI scan may often last for over 90 minutes, depending upon which part of your body needs to get scanned. Such a factor may seem uncomfortable and that’s more for individuals who aren’t used to staying in one position for a long.

How MRI Centers Minimize Discomfort During the Scan?
In acknowledging the factors that make you feel uncomfortable during an MRI scan, the MRI centres typically have certain measures in place. Those measures are meant to create a comfortable MRI experience for you!
- Open MRI Machines
Some MRI centres use advanced, open MRI machines instead of the conventional semi-enclosed ones to ensure more breathing space for the patients, especially those with claustrophobia.
- Noise-Cancellation Systems
MRI centres often provide earplugs and headphones to combat the loud noise coming from the machine. Some centres even permit listening to music using specified audio systems, enabling you to distract your mind from the sound and relax while the scan takes place.
- Pillows, Blankets, & Supports
Almost all MRI centres provide pillows, blankets, and supports like pads and cushioned knee wedges to help you stay comfortable and motionless during the scan even if the scan duration extends beyond the normal time limit.
- Constant Communication
Last but not least, the radiology team in action stays in constant communication with the patient pursuing the MRI scan. There’s a built-in speaker system in the scan room for this purpose. If you ever feel uncomfortable, you can let them know. Immediately they will start guiding you through.
Effective Strategies to Eliminate Discomfort During An MRI
If you want to avoid any sort of discomfort from appearing during your MRI scan, it’s better to stay prepared and adopt certain coping strategies. Here are the most effective ones!
- The first hack is to wear loose-fitting clothes, those of cotton fabrics, for your MRI scan appointment as it would help you lie down still without any discomfort or irritation.
- The next hack is to practice some breathing and mindful exercises during the MRI scan which would relax your muscles and calm you down.
- You can try the visualization technique when undergoing the MRI scan, picturizing a peaceful or serene place or something that wipes out your stress generally.
- You can also take the help of medications by consulting with your doctor beforehand. There are mild oral sedatives and general anaesthesia available for anxiety and claustrophobia patients to relax and sleep off during the MRI scan.
- Listening to your favourite music is also an effective way to cope with discomfort during an MRI scan. Ask your radiologist about it beforehand and carry earplugs in case they do not provide it from the centre itself.
- Using eye masks can also serve in eliminating your discomfort during the MRI scan as it would block the vision of the semi-enclosed space inside the MRI tube.
Concluding Thoughts:
To conclude, an MRI scan is typically less uncomfortable than most of the other diagnostic tests, like those involving partial invasion. Neither does an MRI involve an incision like blood tests nor would there be any radiation like a CT or PET scan.
As a result, there are no risks or side-effects accompanying this diagnostic test and staying prepared to deal with the scanning environment can serve enough to erase situations of discomfort.
Besides, many MRI machines are equipped with patient comfort alert systems. i.e., an alarm button to alert the MRI technician that you are feeling uncomfortable.
If your doctor prescribes you an MRI scan in Chandigarh and you want your experience to be comfortable and hassle-free, book your MRI appointment from
This platform would connect you to some of the top NABL-certified radiology labs in the city and empower you to pursue your MRI scan with utmost efficiency and comfort.
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