MRI Lumber Spine in Chandigarh – Best Price Guranteed

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MRI Lumber Spine in Chandigarh – Best Price Guranteed

MRI lumber spine is mainly used for patients with low back pain which may be associated with nerve root compression. The scan is highly sensitive in detecting nerve damage due to intervertebral disk herniation, spondylolisthesis, or spinal stenosis. MRI lumber spine is considered the best imaging procedure to examine and diagnose such problems in the lumbar region.

Call 8699572364 to book an appointment for MRI Lumber spine in Chandigarh.

What are the indications for an MRI of the Lumber Spine?

The following conditions indicate a need for an MRI lumbar spine:

  • Pain radiating down both lower limbs
  • Weakness of leg muscles
  • Numbness in legs
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Rectal bleeding
  • If you think your symptoms indicate a need for an MRI lumber spine, it is important to see your doctor right away.

What are the risks of MRI Lumber Spine?

MRI scanning has very little risk. There may be some discomfort from lying in the scanner and the loud knocking sounds as images are taken. There may be risks associated with having anesthesia before your test. However, all possible precautions will be taken by our radiologist to make sure you remain safe during the procedure.

Who should not have Imaging Studies?

If you have any metal devices such as heart stents or metal plates in or near your body, inform your doctor about this fact before having an imaging study done. It usually must not be performed within one month of having surgery or a procedure such as an X-ray or a CT scan.

How to prepare for Imaging Studies?

You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for a few hours before the imaging study begins. You can take your medications with a small amount of water. Clear liquids and caffeine are acceptable right up until your test time. You should inform the technologist directly if you haven’t had anything to drink in more than eight hours before your test begins so that proper steps can be taken.

Your clothes may need to be removed during the exam; therefore, it is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing during testing days especially when patients come from other cities like Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, etc.

What are the risks of Imaging Studies?

As with all medical tests, there is a very slight chance that your MRI could cause an allergic reaction to occur. This usually consists of itching during the test or a rash afterward. When and how do I get my results?

All imaging study results will be sent to your referring doctor within 72-96 hours of our doctors having performed your test.

How much does MRI Lumber Spine cost in Chandigarh?

Our prices vary from city to city due to differences in running costs and supply charges. We offer several discounts on bulk purchases for MRI lumber spine as well as other tests, so please enquire about our best price at or directly call us at 8699572364 with your requirements (Name, Contact No., Address) or log in and fill up the inquiry form available on our website and submit it. is Tricity’s leading online diagnostic marketplace connecting patients with multiple pathology labs & diagnostic centers near them for all kinds of medical tests including MRI, CT Scan, PET CT scans, and much more under one roof at the best price.

So, this is all about MRI Lumber spine. I hope you have got clarity about this test now.

If you have any queries about the MRI Lumber spine in Chandigarh, then just post your queries here and we will try to answer them as soon as possible. Call 8699572364 to book an appointment for an MRI Lumber spine in Chandigarh.

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About author
Hi, I am Alka Tiwari, Founder & Patient Care Executive at Helping you get the diagnostics scans services like MRI, CT Scan, UltraSound & PET Scan, etc at the best price. At MRIChandigarh's blog, I will be writing to create awareness and to educate you about how and where to get diagnostic scans done in Chandigarh at the best price with best-in-class services.
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